Cookies for breakfast, dry shamp, and a marry me plea!?

First things first….i had a COOKIE, as in one. But they were coconut cookies, and trans fat free, and did i mention i only had one?

Coconut, no trans-fats, a brand I've never heard of. Can't be THAT bad..wrong

After my cooky (isnt -ie supposed to be plural? e.g: babies, baby), i took a gander at the NI. oh 90 calories thats not bad….WHAT FOR ONE!?!?! bummer….moving on.

I have to be in work, in NYC, at 7:30. So to get there on time i leave at 6:15 AM to catch a bus, to catch the subway and to walk. Had plans to shower at 5AM and failed. THANK GOD for the dry shamp. I think this stuff works better on blondes, because it dries white, and after you brush it you may find some squatters later on chillin’ in your scalp.

Tresemme Tresemme …ooo la laaaa
I have never tried other brands, but this one fit the budge, and gets the job done for me.
This morning, i felt so SLEEPY, even though it is always easier to get outta bed on Friday mornings, but i was just not having it. I put out a plea for someone who has alot of money in their account to marry me. But they lost their chance, because I didnt get the rock before I hopped on the bus to go to work. I’m just over working. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the whole make your own money, be an independent woman thing. But working and doing anything for that matter, makes more sense to ME.  But love is important too.
Well, another day another dolla…HOLLA!  i’ll be back later for the lunch and weekend update.
PS. I must have the LAMEST blog ever!

2 responses »

  1. I just loled i love your blog, keep it going! You entertain me


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