Tag Archives: first post


ALoHA, Hola, Bievenidos, Hi, hey, yo!


this really hurts

Thank you for visiting. As my very first post, I wanted to just introduce myself. My name is Lisa, i  food, working out, and reading blogs. By putting the 3 together and finding other blogs, I finally decided to give it a go! I currently reside in New Jersey ( New Joisey, or the Jersey shaw), 10 miles outside of NYC.  

I am very random. I should warn you that I tend to throw a bunch of random thoughts into the same paragraph. I have too many thoughts and when I have it I need to get it down. And if i dont, well I dont. ANYWAY…see there i go:) And look at that, I already forgot where I was going.

I majored in Exercise Science, and now work in finance (sorta, does assistant count) in NYC. I tend to be a slob, definitley NOT a perfectionist, which seems to be a common trait out there with all the bloggers. You will find typos, and missing words within sentences. Dont judge, i know how to spell but I am to too lazy to add ‘ to dont and capitalize my I. And if i had to cross my t’s, I’d probably forget that too. Not my fault ive been brain washed by texting, and AIM/AOL chat since 1998. Speaking of 1998, I’m 24 years old (birthday april 7, presents in forms of chocolate and candy are welcome).